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Nipple piercings

6 July 2018
Piercings in the nipple and for whom they are suitable. Sensitivity, aftercare and appropriate clothing are a few things that you should take into account, among other things.
Getting your nipples pierced might still be considered a bold choice today, but men in ancient Rome used to pierce their nipples as a symbol of courage and masculinity. The story goes that the soldiers used the nipple rings to attach their cape or breastplate, but no evidence has been found. Around the 14th century, the nipple piercing became fashionable again, especially amongst women. At that time they wore very low cut dresses, sometimes even revealing the nipple, while the piercing served as decoration. At the end of the 19th century, the nipple piercing was briefly reintroduced in Victorian England. 
Just like many other piercings, the nipple piercing gained popularity again in the second half of the last century. Initially, the piercing was associated with certain subcultures and androgynous figures, but it is thanks to artists like Lenny Kravitz and Axl Rose that the nipple piercing gained popularity.
The nipple piercing is one of the first pre-surgical cosmetic procedures in women. The scar tissue of the piercing can be used to correct an inverted nipple.
Many people choose to have their nipples pierced because, in addition to their appearance, they can increase the sensitivity of the nipples, and enlarge small or inverted nipples.

Getting your nipples pierced
The nipple piercing is placed in the nipple itself. Because the nipple can retract, the piercing is placed as close as possible to the areola. The areola is the colored patch of skin around the nipple. Usually, the piercing is placed horizontally, but any direction is possible. And it's possible to have multiple piercings in one nipple.
The jewelry can be a barbell (a short bar with a ball on both sides), or a captive bead ring (a ring with a ball). After healing this can be changed by something else, for example, a barbell with extra decoration around the nipple).
Men's nipple piercings often need to be placed slightly through the areola to ensure better healing as men usually have smaller nipples and little tissue.
Sometimes the piercing will bleed immediately after application. Treat the wound as advised by your piercer. It is also possible that the nipple piercing does not bleed at all at first but starts bleeding after a few days.
The healing process of nipple piercings varies per person. Men often heal faster than women. But it's generally safe to say that nipple piercings require a longer healing time than most other piercings.
The healing period varies from 3 months to more than a year. Do not change your piercing jewelry during the first 3 to 6 months and wait until the wound is healed.

Nipple piercings and pregnancy
During pregnancy, the breasts will grow and become sensitive which can lead to discomfort when you have nipple piercings.
It is therefore recommended to replace the rods or rings with a flexible alternative. Choose a longer rod so you do not experience any problems and allow room for growth.
A correctly placed piercing (placed on the edge of the nipple where it meets the areola) should not cause any problems during breastfeeding. Make sure you always take out your piercings when breastfeeding to protect your baby from accidentally swallowing or choking on balls that may come loose. 

Removing nipple piercings
Nipples that are pierced can close up again within a few seconds, even if you have had the piercing for some time. However, this differs person, there are people who take out their piercing and are still able to place it back without any problem.
If you are a person whose wounds tends to heal fast, removing your piercing can lead to disappointment. In the worst case, you will have to be pierced again. Always get this done by a professional piercer and do not try to do this yourself. If there's no reason for you to remove your piercing, then... just don't. 

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